2020 Conference Update

Free Methodist Healthcare Fellowship Fall Conference:
September 19, 2020 - Virtual Conference

Theme: Holistic Healthcare in Times of Crisis

Change in plans for fall conference. This year, we will be meeting virtually and instead of in-person. Our board made the decision to cancel the in-person fall conference at the Essenhaus due to Coronovirus but we want to try something new and hope you will all participate and invite others to join.

We plan to have an online program on that Saturday, September 19. We plan to have a site where people can ask questions of the speakers and we can include some online discussion rather than just a lecture. We will likely meet for 3 to 4 hours on that Saturday, although we might also try an online fellowship time Friday night.

Our theme will be Holistic Health Care in Times of Crisis. The total program is being developed, but we plan to have several chaplains from the Free Methodist Chaplains Association share their experience with the Coronavirus epidemic. We also plan to invite one or more people from the Christian Community Health Fellowship to share. More details will be forthcoming. We welcome your input at normwetterau@aol.com.

There are some advantages in this. People from the West and East can attend. People can attend without traveling. We do not have to spend a lot of money flying speakers to Indiana and we can have more speakers and panels. Yes, we would prefer to meet face to face, but we can use this situation beyond our control for the good of our society.

More information will be sent out in early July. If people encourage others to join in, more people will know about the Free Methodist Healthcare Fellowship so spread the word.